Fast Company: Networking

Networking is an important skill at all stages of your career, whether you’re searching for a job or looking to take the next steps in your industry. This course provides an overview of how to make effective professional connections and cultivate relationships that can help you over the course of your career. It explores networking challenges based on gender and personality type and provides practical tips for overcoming networking anxiety. It also helps identify potential resources that can be used to expand your professional network.

Included with your course is a one (1) year complimentary subscription to Fast Company ($19.99 value). Your subscription will start with the current issue. Fast Company publishes 8 issues a year.


Online Expert Instruction

This course has an “Ask the Expert” feature, which submits your questions directly to an expert in the field you are studying. Questions are answered as quickly as possible, usually within 24 hours.

Benefits and Learning Outcomes

  • Identify strategies for making professional connections.
  • Cultivate strong relationships at work.
  • Consider how to network over the course of a career.
  • Identify potential resources for networking.
  • Explain how to use business cards effectively.
  • Explore the importance of networking during the job search process.
  • Describe strategies for effective cold call emailing.
  • Examine networking strategies for introverts.
  • Consider the role that gender can play in networking.
  • Describe tips for handling awkward conversations.
  • Explore strategies for conquering networking anxiety.

Date: Open enrollment – Register anytime

Delivery Method: On-Demand Online

Platform: Other

Instructor: Online Expert Instruction

Fee: $79

CEUs: 0.3

Program Number: 7820-16490

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