Fall Potpourri II

October 7 — A Husband’s Greatest Gift: A Kidney
Milwaukee Northshore resident, Deborah Hufford, was running out of time on earth. She had end-stage kidney failure and had suffered a kidney-related heart attack. Five of her family members had volunteered their kidneys but none could donate, including her husband, Evan Jones. He was on two blood pressure medicines and still could barely keep his blood pressure in check. But he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He changed his lifestyle habits: he started a plant-based diet, quit drinking alcohol and increased his swimming regimen. Within a year, he was approved to donate and, miraculously, was a direct match! Evan’s family has a history of severe heart disease. Ironically, in saving his wife, he also saved himself.

October 14 — Death Doula
What Does an End-of-Life Doula Do? Two Greater Milwaukee area End-of-Life (EOL) Doulas will discuss the various roles of the EOL Doula, from bedside vigil to advance care planning to home funerals. They will welcome audience questions in an effort to address fears and dispel myths about death and dying. Their goal is to normalize conversations about death and dying, which is such an important part of life.

October 21 — Everything You Wanted to Know About Aging
but were afraid to ask. This will be a discussion of the topics most people struggle with: where should I live? Will my money last? Should I get an emergency call button? Should I look at my health insurance every year? What do my adult children need to know about me? What legal documents should I have?


Dates and locations to be announced.


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