Dean’s Honors

Students listed below have earned the Dean’s Honors for the Summer 2024 term as of October 31, 2024. Students who have placed a FERPA hold on their record will not be included on the list below.

Summer 2024

FatimaAdenSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
MohammedAl IthawiCollege of Letters and Science
SarahAstleyCollege of Letters and Science
AndrewBeffelJoseph J. Zilber College of Public Health
RobertBorchardtSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
MelisaBrdarevicSchool of Information Studies
JillianBrinSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
ZacharyCalabroSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
CallyChapleauSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
JunghoonChoiSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
AbigailDanczykSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
SeanDavisSchool of Information Studies
AnneDentSchool of Rehabilitation Sciences and Technology
AricEhmkePathway Advising
MichaelFigueroa OsorioJoseph J. Zilber College of Public Health
ZacharyFinchSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
AaronFranklinCollege of Engineering and Applied Science
JacobGreskPeck School of the Arts
AlexHackbarthSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
AnaHafkeSchool of Information Studies
JennaHammerSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
MorganHancockSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
EmmaHeckelSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
SavannahHermansonCollege of Letters and Science
LawsonHerrinSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
MichaelHirschHelen Bader School of Social Welfare
TeaomnmiHoskinsSchool of Information Studies
VicenteJanikHelen Bader School of Social Welfare
MyldredJeanSchool of Biomedical Sciences and Health Care Administration
JustinJohnsonSchool of Information Studies
FadwaKahlaCollege of Letters and Science
MandeepKaurSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
TayahKeyserCollege of Letters and Science
LinaKhaddourSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
MarwaKharbatSchool of Rehabilitation Sciences and Technology
AlexandraKleinmannCollege of Letters and Science
KylieKlismithSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
KaleneKoziczkowskiSchool of Biomedical Sciences and Health Care Administration
JosiahKraftcheckSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
KatherineLipenCollege of Letters and Science
KevinLopezcustodioSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
AprilLynchSchool of Education
AlondraMalfavonSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
JackMarquezSchool of Information Studies
TrevorMarzionSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
InaaraMcCrayCollege of Letters and Science
SerenaMcneillPeck School of the Arts
VasylMelnykSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
DevynMollSchool of Information Studies
ElianaMonfreSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
KatelynMoodieJoseph J. Zilber College of Public Health
ChristinaMundschauCollege of Letters and Science
SuhaMuqeetUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
HaqNawazSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
DylanNeumannSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
ChidiNwadikeSchool of Biomedical Sciences and Health Care Administration
ButoyiOdettaSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
SophiaOklobdzijaSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
NaomiOropezaCollege of Letters and Science
SupremacyOsephodeCollege of Engineering and Applied Science
KamrynPepplerSchool of Biomedical Sciences and Health Care Administration
NicolePettiboneSchool of Information Studies
JelenaPrpaSchool of Education
MadisonPrusowSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
BradyRaetherSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
KevinRamirezSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
SnehaRanaUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
ColeReiterSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
GraceRichardsCollege of Letters and Science
YeseniaRomanSchool of Architecture and Urban Planning
AnnaSalferSchool of Biomedical Sciences and Health Care Administration
EsraaSalimSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
GavinScottSchool of Nursing
RisheetSenapathySheldon B. Lubar College of Business
HannahSheedyHelen Bader School of Social Welfare
JuliaSparacinoCollege of Letters and Science
Jewelle AnneStaffordCollege of Letters and Science
SageSteenSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
EmmaStewartSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
ThomasStubbsCollege of Engineering and Applied Science
HarmaanToorSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
MeganVan LoonSchool of Education
NoelleWallischCollege of Letters and Science
DrakeWeitzerSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
AlexisWeyenbergSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
CadenWhiteSheldon B. Lubar College of Business
JadaWilliamsSchool of Biomedical Sciences and Health Care Administration
NicoleWrukHelen Bader School of Social Welfare
KaliaYangSchool of Nursing

Previous Dean’s Honors Lists