ECO Ephemeral Opens on the UWM Campus

On Friday, September 19, ECO Ephemeral, a thesis exhibition curated by graduate student Pamela Caserta Hugdahl opened.
On Friday, September 19, ECO Ephemeral, a thesis exhibition curated by graduate student Pamela Caserta Hugdahl opened.
All summer long, Pamela Caserta Hugdahl has been spening time with family and busily preparing for her thesis exhibition, ECO Ephemeral.
Graduate student Cameron Fontaine is interning at the UWM Special Collections in the UWM Library for the Spring 2016 semester.
Our Art History graduate field worker Cameron Fontaine posted a Tumblr blog today on our current exhibition “Ampersand: Design and Prints by Jillian Noble.”
Senior Lecturer Michael Ashenbrenner’s ARTHIST 101: Ancient and Medieval Art and Architecture discussion sections visited the UWM Special Collections this week to view facsimiles of famous 7th-9th century illuminated manuscripts with teaching assistants Leigh Wilcox and Kara Hendrickson.
Graduate students in Richard Leson’s ARTHIST 720: Colloquium in Medieval Art and Architecture: Women and the Book visited UWM Special Collections to view medieval manuscript facsimiles as well as sixteenth and seventeenth century original manuscripts on March 2, 2015.
he week of November 17th, discussion sections for Professor Derek Count’s ARTHIST 101: Ancient to Medieval Art and Architecture course were given the unique opportunity to closely examine facsimiles of medieval manuscripts.