Nebamun Hunting Birds
“Nebamun Hunting Birds” was beautifully recreated by undergraduate students, Rachel Kreiter and Molly Meier, as their experiential art project for ARTHIST 315: Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt class.
“Nebamun Hunting Birds” was beautifully recreated by undergraduate students, Rachel Kreiter and Molly Meier, as their experiential art project for ARTHIST 315: Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt class.
Associate Lecturer Jocelyn Boor’s ARTHIST 499: Ad Hoc: Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East course visited the the new exhibit,Crossroads of Civilization, at the Milwaukee Public Museum.
Using ancient techniques as much as possible, students in Associate Lecturer Jocelyn Boor’s ARTHIST 315: Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt constructed paintbrushes, ground natural pigments, drew a square grid, and recreated ancient Egyptian tomb paintings on papyrus.
On Tuesday, November 4, Carter Lupton, Curator of Ancient History and Section Head of Anthropology and History, Milwaukee Public Museum, visited Associate Lecturer Jocelyn Boor’s ARTHIST 315: Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt.
On Tuesday, October 21, Richard Hedderman, an educator at the Milwaukee Public Museum, visited Jocelyn Boor’s ARTHIST 315: Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt with “Mummy Secrets Unwrapped.”