Tiffany Writes Book Review
Associate Professor Tanya Tiffany wrote a book review of The Young Velázquez: “The Education of the Virgin” Restored.
Associate Professor Tanya Tiffany wrote a book review of The Young Velázquez: “The Education of the Virgin” Restored.
Visiting Assistant Professor Sarah Schaefer chaired a panel at the 2016 College Art Association Annual Conference on Saturday, February 6th.
On February 14, Matthew Francis Rarey presented his paper, “Bolsas de Mandinga and the Art of Survival in the African-Portuguese World” as part of the special panel “The Talisman: A Critical Genealogy,” organized by Yael Rice of Amherst College and Benjamin Anderson of Cornell University, at the 103rd Conference of the College Art Association in New York.
Stephanie Rhyner, a second year graduate student and teaching assistant, went with graduate students Anna Kupiecki and Leigh Wilcox, to the 103rd Annual College Art Association (CAA) Conference in New York from February 11 – February 14, 2015.