
New Article by Professor Counts

Professor Derek Counts’ article “Myth into art: foreign impulses and local responses in archaic Cypriot sanctuaries” examines a series of sculptural representations of the triple-bodied monster “Geryon” (of Greek mythological fame) in Cypriot sanctuaries of the Archaic and Classical periods (ca. 750-325 BCE).

Dürer and Cranach on View for Undergraduate Students

This week Assistant Professor Kay Wells’ ARTHIST 102: Renaissance to Modern Art and Architecture discussion sections visited the UWM Art History Gallery to view works from the UWM Art Collection.

Murphy Begins Internship at MOWA

Graduate student Jackie Murphy started her internship at the Museum of Wisconsin Art with the Director of Collections, Graeme Reid, last week

Sims Installs Exhibition in Art History Gallery

Graduate Student Laura Sims has been working hard in the UWM Art History Gallery all week painting walls, moving pedestals, and installing art for her upcoming exhibition Reflections on a Collection: Revisiting the UWM Icons Fifty Years Late

French Psalter and Hours

Author: Richard Leson, Associate Professor Published in: Riches of the Rylands: The Special Collections of the University of Manchester Library (pages 54-55) Year: 2015 More information

Art History Featured in December L&S In-Focus

The Department of Art History was featured in the December 2014 edition of the College of Letters & Science In-Focus monthly newsletter.

Peggy Ahwesh Dossier

Co-editor: Elena Gorfinkel, Assistant Professor and John David Rhodes (University of Cambridge) Published in: Screen (Winter 2014) 55 (4): 490-493 Year: 2014 More information

Corpse, corpus, contingency: Peggy Ahwesh’s ‘deadman’ trilogy

Author: Elena Gorfinkel, Assistant Professor Published in: Screen (Winter 2014) 55 (4): 514–521 Year: 2014 More information

Matthew Francis Rarey receives Travel Award

Visiting Assistant Professor Matthew Francis Rarey, recently named affiliate faculty in the UWM Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), has received a 2014 CLACS Faculty Research Travel Award.

Folk Art Donors Visit the UWM Art History Gallery

On Tuesday, December 16, 2014, Linda Brazeau (Director, UWM Art Collection and Galleries), Christa Story (Curator, UWM Art Collection), and Katherine Murrell (Art History Lecturer) welcomed UWM Art Collection donors Jim and Beth Arient and Bob Vogele to the UWM Art History Gallery to see Extraordinary and Ordinary: Folk Art from the UWM Art Collection.