WELL Entrepreneur: Using Art for Stress Management


Join the UWM Lubar Entrepreneurship Center for another talk and practice. We will be joined by a student entrepreneur and creative, Hope Glassel (https://www.hopeglasselphotography.com/). Hope will share their creative practice and insights into managing stress with school and work. The... Read More

Stick Together Online Mosaic Activity Masterpiece


Help assemble a surprise mosaic picture with friends. Virtual stick together portraits are a fun and interactive way to make art together! Click here to join.

Wellness with Physical Therapy Students


Interested in seeing how well you take care of your body and mind? This brief questionnaire will provide you with a wellness score in 10 categories, out of a max of 100 points.  A score lower than 60 (60%) in... Read More

Storytime with a Librarian


Join the Panther Pause celebration by listening to your local UWM librarian, Molly, read to you before bed!

CAB General Membership Meeting


Although this year looks a little (or a lot) different, we are excited to continue the fun throughout the semester! Join us VIRTUALLY for our general membership meetings to get involved! CAB plans "Events for students, events by students." We... Read More