Earth Week: Terrarium Making

Union Concourse 2200 E. Kenwood Blvd., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Join CAB for Earth Week as we create our own terrariums. Make them with us or take your materials to go. Limited materials available.

Earth Week Terrariums with Campus Activities Board

UWM Union Arts and Crafts Centre 2200 E. Kenwood Blvd. Union EG30, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Tuesday, April 19  /  1:00 – 3:00pm *Location: Union Concourse* Join the Campus Activities Board and Craft Centre on the Concourse to make a terrarium for Earth Week! Using recycled jars and containers and filling them with succulents and cute... Read More


Musical hour with the UWM Nomad Saxophone Quartet

UWM Union Art Gallery

Join us for a musical hour with the UWM Nomad Saxophone quartet! This musical ensemble composed of four saxophones will be playing in the gallery during out Annual Juried Exhibition. Come enjoy a creative mixture of visual and musical arts... Read More

The True Cost

Union Fireside Lounge

This screening is free for everyone! In the Fireside Lounge! Union, Campus level Part of the 2022 Earth Week Film Series! Everyone loves a great deal on a piece of clothing, but what happens behind the scenes to make that... Read More