Union Cinema

44th Annual Latin American Film Series presented by The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Guatemala, 2021, 125 min, Dir. Justin Lerner Descripción en español abajo.  After her sister goes missing, Sarita, a working-class girl from Guatemala City, travels... Read More



Union Cinema

44th Annual Latin American Film Series presented by The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Peru, 2021, 104 min, Dir. Rossana Díaz Costa MEET THE DIRECTOR AFTER THE FILM: ROSSANA DIAZ COSTA Descripción en español abajo. Julius is a... Read More



Union Cinema

44th Annual Latin American Film Series presented by The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Cuba, 2021, 86 min, Dir. Hugo Perez MEET THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCER AFTER THE FILM: DANA KUZNETZKOFF Descripción en español abajo. At the age of... Read More


SACC- Intro to Photography: Capturing on Black and White Film

Studio Arts & Crafts Centre 2200 E. Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Sign-Up Deadline: Thursday, April 6 at 5pm  Participants in this workshop will learn the basics of darkroom photography. Participants will learn how to shoot, develop, and print 35mm film. Using a 35mm film camera, this workshop will give a look... Read More