Your Executive Branch

  Your Executive Board is working hard for you!

Made up of three elected members (President, VP of Student Affairs, and VP of Academic Affairs) and six hired members (Campus and Community Engagement Director, Diversity and Inclusion Director, Marketing and Programming Director, Student Organizations Appropriations Director, Secretary and Treasurer), they make sure that your student government is running smoothly.

The Exec Board of the Student Association at UWM is charged with making sure that student voices are heard by administrators of the University.  They ensure that all senators and student organizations have the support they need to reach their goals. Executive Board members meet biweekly at Executive Committee meetings.

If you’ve got an interest in making UWM better, get involved! Contact one of your Executive Board members or a Senate member with your ideas.


Roman Fritz

Vice President of Student Affairs:

Tanner Cronce

Vice President of Academic Affairs:

Jeremi Lukos



Student Organization Appropriations Director:

Campus & Community Engagement Director:

Diversity & Inclusion Director:

Marketing & Programming Director:


 To meet your Executive Board members, come down to the office! Union EG79


Meeting Date
Public Meeting Notice
06-30-2106-30-21 Exec PMN06-30-21 Exec Agenda06-30-21 Exec Minutes
07-13-2107-13-21 Exec PMN07-13-21 Exec Agenda07-13-21 Exec Minutes
07-27-2107-27-21 Exec PMN07-27-21 Exec Agenda07-27-21 Exec Minutes
08-10-2108-10-21 Exec PMN08-10-21 Exec Agenda08-10-21 Exec Minutes
08-24-2108-24-21 Exec PMN08-24-21 Exec Agenda08-24-21 Exec Minutes
09-15-2109-15-21 Exec PMN09-15-21 Exec Agenda09-15-21 Exec Minutes
09-29-2109-29-21 Exec PMN09-29-21 Exec Agenda09-29-21 Exec Minutes
10-13-2110-13-21 Exec PMN10-13-21 Exec Agenda10-13-21 Exec Minutes
10-27-2110-27-21 Exec PMN10-27-21 Exec Agenda10-27-21 Exec Minutes
11-12-2111-12-21 Exec PMN11-12-21 Exec Agenda11-12-21 Exec Minutes
12-01-2112-01-21 Exec PMN12-01-21 Exec Agenda12-01-21 Exec Minutes

Exec Meeting Documents 20-21

06-03-2006-03-20 EXEC PMN06-03-20 EXEC AGENDA06-03-20 EXEC Minutes
06-18-2006-18-20 EXEC PMN06-18-20 EXEC AGENDA06-18-20 EXEC Minutes
07-02-2007-02-20 EXEC PMN07-02-20 EXEC AGENDA07-02-20 EXEC Minutes
07-09-2007-09-20 EXEC PMN07-09-20 EXEC AGENDA07-09-20 EXEC Minutes
07-16-2007-16-20 EXEC PMN07-16-20 EXEC AGENDA07-16-20 EXEC Minutes
07-30-2007-30-20 EXEC PMN07-30-20 EXEC AGENDA07-30-20 EXEC Minutes
08-13-2008-13-20 EXEC PMN08-13-20 EXEC AGENDA08-13-20 EXEC Minutes
08-27-2008-27-20 EXEC PMN08-27-20 EXEC AGENDA
09-02-2009-02-20 EXEC PMN09-02-20 EXEC AGENDA09-02-20 EXEC Minutes
09-09-2009-09-20 EXEC PMN09-09-20 EXEC AGENDA09-09-20 EXEC Minutes
09-16-2009-16-20 EXEC PMN09-16-20 EXEC AGENDA09-16-20 EXEC Minutes
09-23-2009-23-20 EXEC PMN09-23-20 EXEC AGENDA09-23-20 EXEC Minutes
9-30-2009-30-20 EXEC PMN09-30-20 EXEC AGENDA09-30-20 EXEC Minutes
10-07-2010-07-20 EXEC PMN10-07-20 EXEC AGENDA10-07-20 EXEC Minutes
10-14-2010-14-20 EXEC PMN10-14-20 EXEC AGENDA10-14-20 EXEC Minutes
10-21-2010-21-20 EXEC PMN10-21-20 EXEC AGENDA10-21-20 EXEC Minutes
10-23-2010-23-20 EXEC PMN10-23-20 EXEC AGENDA10-23-20 EXEC Minutes
10-28-2010-28-20 EXEC PMN10-28-20 EXEC AGENDA10-28-20 EXEC Minutes
11-11-2011-11-20 EXEC PMN11-11-20 EXEC AGENDA11-11-20 EXEC Minutes
11-18-2011-18-20 EXEC PMN11-18-20 EXEC AGENDA11-18-20 EXEC Minutes
12-02-2012-02-20 EXEC PMN12-02-20 EXEC AGENDA12-02-20 EXEC Minutes
01-26-2101-26-21 EXEC PMN01-26-21 EXEC AGENDA01-26-21 EXEC Minutes
02-03-2102-03-21 EXEC PMN02-03-21 EXEC AGENDA02-03-21 EXEC Minutes
02-10-2102-10-21 EXEC PMN02-10-21 EXEC AGENDA02-10-21 EXEC Minutes
02-24-2102-24-21 EXEC PMN02-24-21 EXEC AGENDA02-24-21 EXEC Minutes
03-10-213-10-21 EXEC PMN03-10-21 EXEC AGENDA03-10-21 EXEC Minutes
03-19-213-19-21 EXEC PMN03-19-21 EXEC AGENDA03-19-21 EXEC Minutes
04-07-2104-07-21 EXEC PMN04-07-21 EXEC AGENDA04-07-21 EXEC Minutes
04-22-2104-22-21 EXEC PMN04-22-21 EXEC AGENDA04-22-21 EXEC Minutes
05-05-2105-05-21 EXEC PMN05-05-21 EXEC PMN


Meeting Date
Public Meeting Notice (PMN)AgendaMinutesOther
04-30-2004-30-20 EXEC PMN04-30-20 EXEC Agenda04-30-20 EXEC Minutes
04-23-2004-23-20 EXEC PMN04-23-20 EXEC Agenda04-23-20 EXEC Minutes
04-15-2004-15-20 EXEC PMN04-15-20 EXEC Agenda04-15-20 EXEC Minutes (1)
04-01-2004-01-20 EXEC PMN04-01-20 EXEC Agenda04-01-20 EXEC Minutes
03-25-2003-25-20 EXEC PMN03-25-20 EXEC Agenda03-25-20 EXEC Minutes
03-11-2003-11-20 EXEC PMN(1)03-11-20 EXEC Agenda(1)03-11-20 EXEC Minutes
03-04-2003-04-20 EXEC PMN03-04-20 EXEC Agenda03-04-20 EXEC Minutes
02-19-2002-19-20 EXEC PMN02-19-20 EXEC Agenda02-19-20 EXEC Minutes
02-05-2002-05-20 EXEC PMN02-05-2020 EXEC Agenda02-05-20 EXEC Minutes
01-23-2001-23-20 EXEC PMN01-23-20 EXEC Agenda01-23-20 EXEC Minutes
12-03-1912-03-19 EXEC PMN-212-03-19 EXEC Agenda-212-03-19 EXEC Minutes
11-12-1911-12-19 EXEC PMN11-12-19 EXEC Agenda11-12-19 EXEC Minutes
10-29-1910-29-19 EXEC pmn10-29-19 EXEC Agenda10-29-19 EXEC Minutes
10-10-1910-10-19 EXEC PMN10-10-19 EXEC Agenda10-10-19 EXEC Minutes
10-03-1910-03-19 Exec PMN10-03-19 Exec Agenda10-03-19 Exec Minutes
09-19-1909-19-19 EXEC PMN09-19-19 EXEC Agenda09-19-19 EXEC Minutes
09-03-1909-03-19 EXEC PMN09-03-19 EXEC Agenda09-03-19 EXEC MinutesBudget 2019-2020
08-27-1908-27-19 EXEC PMN08-27-19 EXEC Agenda08-27-19 EXEC Minutes
07-29-1907-29-19 EXEC PMN07-29-19 EXEC Agenda07-29-19 Exec Minutes
07-01-1907-01-19 EXEC Public Meeting Notice07-01-19 EXEC Agenda07-01-19 Amended EXEC Committee Minutes
06-12-1906-12-2019 Exec PMN06-12-2019 Exec Agenda06-12-2019 Exec Minutes


Meeting Date
Public Meeting Notice (PMN)AgendaMinutesOther
04-02-201904-02-2019 EXEC PMN - Amended04-02-2019 EXEC Agenda - Amended
03-20-201903-20-2019 Exec PMN03-20-2019 Exec Agenda3-20-2019 Exec Meeting Minutes
03-05-2019Exec 03-05-2019 PMNExec 03-05-2019 AgendaExec 03-05-2019 Minutes
02-19-201902-19-2019 EXEC PMN02-19-2019 EXEC SA Agenda2-19-2018 Exec Minutes
02-05-201902-05-2019 Exec PMN02-05-2019 Exec Agenda - AMENDED02-05-2019 Exec Meeting Minutes
01-24-201901-24-2019 Exec PMN01-24-2019 Exec Agenda01-24-2019 Exec Minutes
12-04-201812-04-18 EXEC PMN12-04-18 EXEC Agenda (1)12-04-18 EXEC Committee Minutes
11-27-201811-27-18 EXEC PMN11-27-18 Exec Agenda11-27-18 Exec Minutes
11-13-201811-13-18 Exec PMNAMENDED 11-13-18 Exec Agenda11-13-2018 Exec Board Meeting Minutes
11-04-201811-04-2018 Exec PMN11-04-2018 Exec Agenda11-04-2018 Exec Meeting Minutes
10-30-201810-30-2018 Exec PMN10-30-18 AMENDED Exec Agenda10-30-2018 Exec Committee Minutes
10-16-201810-16-2018 Public Meeting Notice10-16-2018 Exec Agenda10-16-2018 Exec Committee Minutes
10-02-201810-02-2018 Exec PMN10-02-2018 Exec Agenda10-02-2018 Exec Meeting Minutes
09-18-20189-18-2018 Exec PMN9-18-2018 Amended Exec Agenda9-18-2018 Exec Minutes