Your Legislative Branch

A Senate You Can Count On!

The Legislative Branch, also referred to as the Senate, has student 38 voting seats for UWM students broken into Academic, Advocacy, At-Large, Transfer, and First-Year groups, as well as ex-officio (non-voting) seats for students of Waukesha and Washington County. Senators work to represent the needs and interests of students at UWM. They write and pass legislation to advocate for UWM students, design and implement projects that help to support students, and work with faculty and staff to make sure that every decision made on campus helps to create a better environment and better college experience for the UWM the student body.

Interested in joining? Check out the Be a Senator page!

Meeting Schedule

The Student Association Senate meets every other Thursday at 5:00 pm, with some exceptions. The first meeting of the 2024-25 school year will be on September 5, 2024. Public Meeting Notices (PMN) and agendas for every Student Association Senate meeting will be sent to the sa-public listserv and posted outside of the Student Association office, in accordance with open meeting laws.

At-Large Senators

Unlike the other Senate seats, At-Large Senators do not have individual job descriptions nor a specific population they represent on campus, and instead, choose what projects they want to be involved in and which students they want to represent. This is a particularly good position for students who are good at working independently, whose school or advocacy seats are already taken, or those who want to be involved with multiple unrelated projects. There are 10 At-Large Senator positions. To fill a vacant seat contact your President, Roman Fritz, 

Copy of At-Large Senators

At-Large SenatorFabiola Lyons
At-Large SenatorVacant
At-Large SenatorVacant
At-Large SenatorVacant
At-Large SenatorVacant
At-Large SenatorVacant
At-Large SenatorVacant
At-Large SenatorVacant
At-Large SenatorVacant
At-Large SenatorVacant

Advocacy Senators

Advocacy Senators advocate for specific segments of the student body on campus. There are 10 advocacy seats. If you choose to sit in one of these seats it will be your job to represent your constituency to the administration and to advocate on their behalf. If you would like to fill a vacant advocacy seat please contact the Vice President of Student Affairs, Tanner Cronce,

Copy of Advocacy Senators

First-Generation Student Advocacy SenatorVacant
International Student Advocacy SenatorVacant
LBGT Student Advocacy SenatorVacant
Non-Traditional Student Advocacy SenatorVacant
Students of Color Advocacy SenatorVacant
Student Organization Advocacy SenatorLa'Wanda
Accessibility Advocacy SenatorVacant
Undecided Major Advocacy SenatorVacant
Veteran's Advocacy SenatorRichard
Women's Advocacy SenatorVacant

Academic Senators

Academic Senators represent the various schools and colleges on campus, meet with their Deans, and push for changes to schools, departments and curriculum. As every school supports more than one major, Academic Senators also collaborate with  Program Representatives, who advocate for their particular program on campus. Program Representative Elections occur near the beginning of the year. To get involved as a Program Representative or to fill a vacant senate seat, contact the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Jeremi Lukos,

Copy of Academic Senators

College of Engineering & Applied Sciences SenatorVacant
College of Health Sciences SenatorVacant
College of Nursing SenatorVacant
College of Letters and Science SenatorVacant
College of Letters and Science SenatorVacant
College of Letters and Science SenatorVacant
Graduate School SenatorVacant
Graduate School SenatorVacant
Helen Bader School of Social Welfare SenatorVacant
Lubar School of Business SenatorVacant
Lubar School of Business SenatorVacant
Peck School of the Arts SenatorVacant
School of Architecture & Arts SenatorVacant
School of Education SenatorVacant
School of Freshwater Sciences SenatorVacant
School of Information Studies SenatorVacant
Zilber School of Public Health SenatorVacant

First-Year and Transfer Student Senators are elected in the Fall of each year instead of in the Spring. These elections will take place early in the Fall semester. If you would like to run in this election, please go to the Elections Page for further information.

Transfer Student Senators       

The transfer student seats are elected in the Fall Semester with the First-Year Senator seats. You must be a transfer student to run for these positions, and only transfer students will be able to vote in this election. If you would like to get involved and run for a student seat, please go to the Elections Page for more information. If the seats remain vacant after the Fall elections, they could be filled through the vacant senate seat process.

Copy of Transfer Student Senators

Transfer Student SenatorVacant
Transfer Student SenatorVacant

First-Year Senators

First-Year Senators represent the largest student group on campus and advocate for new first-year students. Only First-Year students may run for these positions and only First-Year students will vote in this election. If you would like to get involved and run for a student seat, please go to the Elections Page for more information.

First Year Senators

PositionRepresentative Email
First-Year SenatorVacant
First-Year SenatorVacant
First-Year SenatorVacant

General Studies Ex-Officio Seats

General Studies Ex-Officio Seats are non-voting seats for students of the Waukesha and Washington County Students. Students who pay segregated fees to UW-Milwaukee will not be considered for these seats.

General Studies Ex-Officio Seats

General Studies Ex-Officio Senator (Waukesha) Vacant
General Studies Ex-Officio Senator (Waukesha) Vacant
General Studies Ex-Officio Senator (Washington County) Vacant
General Studies Ex-Officio Senator (Washington County) Vacant



Senate Records

For more information about our records please view our Records Retention Timeline. For any further information please file a Public Records Request with the OAC

Senate Meetings 2021-2022

Public Meeting Notice (PMN)AgendaMinutes
09-05-2109-05-21 Senate PMN09-05-21 Senate Agenda09-05-21 Senate Minutes
09-12-2109-12-21 Senate PMN09-12-21 Senate Agenda09-12-21 Senate Minutes - REVISED
09-19-2109-19-21 Senate PMN09-19-21 Senate Agenda09-19-21 Senate Minutes
10-03-2110-03-21 Senate PMN10-03-21 Senate Agenda10-03-21 Senate Minutes
10-17-2110-17-21 Senate PMN10-17-21 Senate Agenda10-17-21 Senate Minutes
11-07-2111-07-21 Senate PMN11-07-21 Senate Agenda11-07-21 Senate Minutes
11-21-2111-21-21 Senate PMN11-21-21 Senate Agenda11-21-21 Senate Minutes
12-05-2112-05-21 Senate PMN12-05-21 Senate Agenda12-05-21 Senate Minutes

Senate Meeting 2020-2021

05-03-2005-03-20 SENATE PMN05-03-20 SENATE AGENDA05-03-20 SENATE MINUTES
09-06-2009-06-20 SENATE PMN09-06-20 SENATE AGENDA09-06-20 SENATE MINUTESStudent Association Committee Overview

SFC Purpose and Procedure Overview
09-20-2009-20-20 SENATE PMN09-20-20 SENATE AGENDA09-20-20 SENATE MINUTESBiennial Budget Overview
10-04-2010-04-20 SENATE PMN10-04-20 SENATE AGENDA10-04-20 SENATE MINUTES
10-18-2010-18-20 SENATE PMN10-18-20 SENATE AGENDA10-18-20 SENATE MINUTESShared Governance Presentation Fall 2020
11-01-2011-01-20 SENATE PMN11-01-20 SENATE AGENDA11-01-20 SENATE MINUTES
11-15-2011-15-20 SENATE PMN11-15-20 SENATE AGENDA
11-22-2011-22-20 SENATE PMN11-22-20 SENATE AGENDA11-22-20 SENATE MINUTES
12-06-2012-06-20 SENATE PMN12-06-20 SENATE AGENDA12-06-20 SENATE MINUTES
01-31-2101-31-21 SENATE PMN01-31-20 SENATE AGENDA01-31-21 SENATE MINUTES
02-14-2102-14-21 SENATE PMN02-14-21 SENATE AGENDA2-14-21 SENATE MINUTES
02-28-2102-28-21 SENATE PMN02-28-21 SENATE AGENDA02-28-21 SENATE MINUTES
03-14-2103-14-21 SENATE PMN03-14-21 SENATE AGENDA03-14-21 SENATE MINUTES
03-28-2103-28-21 SENATE PMN03-28-21 SENATE AGENDA03-28-21 SENATE MINUTES
04-25-2104-25-21 SENATE PMN 04-25-21 SENATE AGENDA

Senate Meetings 2019-2020

Meeting Date (MM-DD-YY)Public Meeting Notice (PMN)AgendaMinutes
04-19-20Updated 04-19-20 SENATE PMNUpdated 04-19-20 SENATE Agenda04-19-20 SENATE Minutes
04-05-2004-05-20 SENATE PMN04-05-20 SENATE Agenda04-05-20 SENATE Minutes
03-29-2003-29-20 SENATE PMN-updated03-29-20 SENATE Agenda-updated03-29-20 SENATE Minutes
03-08-2003-08-20 SENATE PMN03-08-20 SENATE Agenda03-08-20 Senate Minutes
02-23-2002-23-20 SENATE PMN02-23-20 SENATE Agenda02-23-20 SENATE Minutes
02-16-2002-16-20 SENATE PMN02-16-20 SENATE Agenda02-16-20 SENATE Minutes
01-26-2001-26-20 SENATE PMN01-26-20 SENATE Agenda01-26-20 SENATE Minutes
12-08-1912-08-19 SENATE PMN12-08-19 SENATE Agenda12-08-19 SENATE Minutes
11-17-1911-17-19 SENATE PMN11-17-19 SENATE Agenda11-17-19 SENATE Minutes
11-03-1911-03-19 SENATE PMN11-03-19 SENATE Agenda11-03-19 SENATE Minutes
10-20-1910-20-19 SENATE PMN10-20-19 Senate Agenda-amended10-20-19 SENATE Minutes
10-06-1910-06-19 SENATE PMN10-06-19 SENATE Agenda10-06-19 SENATE Minutes
09-22-1909-22-19 SENATE PMN09-22-19 SENATE Agenda09-22-19 SENATE Minutes Amended
09-08-1909-08-19 SENATE PMN Updated09-08-19 SENATE Agenda Updated09-08-19 SENATE Minutes

Senate Meetings 2018-2019

Meeting Date
Public Meeting Notice (PMN)AgendaMinutes

Senate-09-23-2018-Agenda Amended at Meeting

Senate-10-21-2018-Agenda Amended at Meeting

Senate-11-04-2018-Minutes_Amended at Meeting
12-09-2018Senate-12-09-2018-Emergency Senate PMNSenate-12-09-2018-Emergency-AgendaSenate-12-09-2018-Minutes
03-24-2019Senate-03-24-2019-PMNSenate-03-24-2019-AgendaSenate 03-24-2019 Minutes

Senate-04-07-2019-Agenda Amended at Meeting
Senate 04-07-2019 Minutes
05-15-201905-15-19 PMN05-15-19 Agenda05-15-19 Senate Meeting Minutes