Executive Summary of SA Constitutional Amendment:
School and College Update Constitutional Amendment
November 2022
The IEC confirmed the following results on 12/05/2022.
Yes: 182 votes
No: 28 votes
Abstain: 33 votes
The Constitutional Amendment passes and will go into effect May 1, 2023.
Student Association Constitutional Referendum
Students are asked to vote on changes the Student Association (SA) has voted on and approved for their official constitution. Any changes to the Student Association Constitution must be approved through a student referendum.
Further information on the proposed changes, including an executive summary and copies of the documents being changed, can be found in the space below.
Executive Summary of SA Constitutional Amendment: School and College Update- Constitutional Amendment
With the 2030 Plan UWM has implemented, there has been a reorganization of the schools and colleges. This is outlined in the attached documents, requiring a structure change to the SA Senate seats. The seat change would be in effect starting May 1st, 2023, as elections are held before the 2030 Plan is in effect starting in July of 2023.
The restructuring of the SA Senate seats is to have each new school represented. As per the 2030 plan, SA will now have 14 academic senate seats, at least one for each school and college, and 38 seats total.
This is to take effect during the election process for the 2023-2024 school year. Though this is before the 2030 Plan is implemented, this is to ensure that we have the correct representatives in seats by the fall.
Full Legislation Copy Passed by SA Senate on November 20, 2022
SB2223-007 School and College Update- Constitutional Amendment
Reference Document
School and College Realignment Chart