Shelley Boehm
As director of the Performance Infrastructure Sales Enablement team for Johnson Controls, Shelley manages a group of high-achieving professionals who specialize in proposal development, technical writing, graphic design, presentation support and coaching, and grant writing and administration. The team supports business efforts involving building efficiency solutions (including energy and water management, infrastructure improvements and renewable technologies). As a manager, Shelley works to build a team that is diverse in backgrounds and perspectives, resulting in a broader skill set within the team. She creates collaborative environments where people can support and challenge each other.
Through American Corporate Partners, Shelley mentors women and men transitioning from the military to the civilian workforce. She serves on the board of the Benedict Center, an interfaith nonprofit agency working with victims, offenders and the community to achieve a system of criminal justice that is fair and treats every person involved with dignity and respect. For Johnson Controls, Shelley served for three years as the president of the Milwaukee Women’s Network. Through that role, she generated opportunities for women to develop leadership skills, advance their careers and support their personal goals.
Shelley earned a Bachelor of Arts in organizational communication with a minor in psychology, and an emphasis in human resources management, public relations and public relations writing from Winona State University in Minnesota. She also has a master’s degree in human resources and labor relations from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.