Sandy Sublett

Sandra Heald Sublett, PT, DPT, OCS, CLT has practiced physical therapy in a variety of settings in 3 states since 1986 and is the owner of a specialty private practice PT & OT clinic in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She received her BS in PT from The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and transitional DPT from St. Ambrose University (Iowa) in 2008. She is a Certified Specialist in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy (2010,2020) and a Certified Lymphedema Therapist (2005.) Additionally, Dr. Sublett has passed competencies in vestibular rehabilitation, and held NDT certification. Past teaching experience includes an adjunct faculty position at Clarke University (Dubuque, IA), teaching continuing education courses through the Iowa Physical Therapy Association, serving as a consultant for total contact casting at a wound care center, and community lecturer on multiple topics related to PT. She is a member of the APTA, Association of Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Surgeons (allied health member), and VEDA (Vestibular Disorders Association).

Sandy’s special interests range from lower extremity biomechanics to balance and vestibular rehabilitation, but intertwined with these and everything between is a strong reliance on edema management to optimize outcomes. As an endorsed instructor of Manual Edema Mobilization, she has presented the full MEM course and topics related to edema management to professionals across the United States and internationally. Dr. Sublett looks forward to sharing treatment techniques that will change how clinicians view their abilities to enhance healing and recovery as well as maximize outcomes by reducing swelling. She is passionate about creating a paradigm shift in swelling management!


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