Ashley Thousand
Ashley Thousand is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and Clinical Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC), currently working at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee as the inpatient AODA Clinical Psychotherapist. She is part of the Psychiatry team and the only dedicated AODA consult service for the entire hospital. Although she specializes in AODA within her current role, she has previously worked extensively in mental health and dual-diagnosis. Thousand’s past experience includes various PHP/IOP programs, medication-assisted treatment (Suboxone/Methadone clinics) and just prior to her current role, Froedtert’s ER as the evening social worker. She has a special interest in the opioid use disorder population, crisis intervention and fighting the stigma around mental illness and addiction. When not working, Thousand enjoys traveling and spending time with her husband, family and two pugs.