Milwaukee Chamber Theatre Performance: “The Not So Accidental Conviction of Eleven Milwaukee Anarchists”

What do you get when you cross Emma Goldman, Clarence Darrow, a debutante bomb-maker, Bay View’s Italian “anarchist” mill workers, an excommunicated Roman Catholic priest turned Third Ward Methodist missionary, and one of the kangaroo-est courts ever convened?  This can’t-miss world premiere, in which four actors valiantly and hilariously strive to make sense of the you-wouldn’t-believe-it-if-it-weren’t-true events of one of the most complicated and impactful moments in Milwaukee history: the 1917 bomb explosion inside the Oneida Street police station. On this Go Explore, join fellow Osher members and enjoy this Milwaukee Chamber Theatre performance of The Not So Accidental Conviction of Eleven Milwaukee Anarchists.

Dates and locations to be announced.


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