Grief 101

These 5 sessions are targeted to those who are 2-3 years from their grief event; or for people who just want to learn how grief affects people. All information is from 132 CEUs in Grief and research on bereavement. Session 1 defines what grief is and is-not, healthy mourning, nine types of grief and tasks of grieving. Session 2 discusses the lenses through which we filter grief – beliefs, religion, family, culture, life experiences, level of self-awareness and resilience. Session 3 shares strategies for the 3 Big Forgives — God/higher power, self and others for non-believers and believers. Session 4 addresses the importance of ritual in grief work. We’ll view a 22 minute DVD and end with after-death experiences. Session 5 discusses communication skills to help others and for those wanting to establish a Bereavement Ministry. Handouts will be emailed each Monday for you to download and print: Text of the PowerPoint and worksheets.

Dates and locations to be announced.
