This December, four prints from the UWM Art Collection will be on view at the Milwaukee Art Museum in the exhibition Gods and Heroes: Classical Mythology in European Prints. On loan are two etchings by 16th century German artists, Heinrich Aldegrever’s Ornament with a Triton carrying two Nereidsand Hans Sebald Beham’sFortuna, both gifted to the UWM Art Collection by Emile H. Mathis II. Two 18th century French engravings, gifts of donor Helen Coifman, will also be included, one by the female engraver Louise Le Daulceur (after Bouchardon) and the other by Jean Mathieu (after Anne-Louis Girodet).
The exhibition is curated by UWM Art History MA alumna, Catherine Sawinski, and will be on view from December 2, 2016 – April 2, 2017 (European Art Galleries, Level 2, Gallery S202).