2016-2017 Art History TAs

The Department of Art History is pleased to introduce the 2016-2017 teaching assistants.
The Department of Art History is pleased to introduce the 2016-2017 teaching assistants.
The 2015 Hoey Prize winner, Marianna Cecere, accepted the award at the reading of her paper, “Knowledge and hubris: the Astronomers miniature in the Psalter of Blanche of Castile” on Wednesday, April 27, 2016.
This semester the Haggerty Museum of Art is hosting three outstanding interns from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Abby Armstrong and Marianna Cecere are both students in UWM’s Department of Art History Program, while Adam Meister is a student in the ArtsECO program run by UWM’s Peck School of the Arts Department of Art & Design.
The Department of Art History is pleased to introduce the 2015-2016 Art History teaching assistants:
Global Matters: Rauschenberg Print Media 1968-1975 opened in the UWM Art History Gallery on Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22, 2015.