Faculty News

Professor Wells Awarded Two Research Fellowships

Prof. Kay Wells has been awarded two research fellowships to support her book project, Uncanny Revivals: Designing Early America during the Rise of Fascism. The Terra Foundation International Research Travel Grant for US-based Scholars (https://www.terraamericanart.org/what-we-offer/grant-fellowship-opportunities/research-travel-grants-to-the-united-states/) will support a research trip to Europe, and… Read More

Professor Wells Receives SECAC Excellence Award

Prof. Kay Wells has been awarded The SECAC Award for Excellence in Scholarly Research and Publication for her book, Weaving Modernism: Postwar Tapestry between Paris and New York, published by Yale University Press in 2019. The award was announced December 12, 2020… Read More

UWM Art History Professor Counts Publishes New Book

UWM Art History Professor Derek B. Counts and his colleagues have published Visualizing Votive Practice: Exploring Limestone and Terracotta Sculpture from Athienou-Malloura through 3D Models (Grand Forks, ND: 2020). The Department of Art History congratulates Professor Counts on this great… Read More

Congratulations Professor Counts!

The UWM Department of Art History is delighted to congratulate Professor Derek Counts on receiving the prestigious UWM Faculty Distinguished University Service Award. Professor Counts has served the university, the Department of Art History, its faculty, students, and staff, tirelessly,… Read More

Jocelyn Boor Presents Online Lecture for UW Madison

On Friday, October 23rd, Dr. Jocelyn Boor presented a talk as part of the Archaeology Brown Bag Lecture Series organized by the graduate students in the Department of Anthropology at UW-Madison. Her talk, “Fragmented Reality – Pottery and Agency at… Read More

Professor Tiffany Invited to Speak for the Prado Museum

Professor Tanya Tiffany of the UWM Department of Art History is one of the invited speakers in a series of lectures on Velázquez. The series is entitled ‘Ciclo de Conferencias Francisco Calvo Serraller,’ and is hosted by the Amigos del… Read More

Associate Professor Tanya Tiffany is Recipient of NEH Grant

Many congratulations to UWM Art History Associate Professor Tanya Tiffany, and her Brown University colleague Dr. Laura Bass! They are recipients of the prestigious National Endowment for the Arts grant in support of their project “The Autobiography of a Seventeenth-Century… Read More

Johung and Wells Promoted

Congratulations to newly titled Professor Jennifer Johung and Associate Professor Katharine (Kay) Wells for successfully navigating the promotion and tenure process here at  UW-Milwaukee. These are well-deserved distinctions, and we are very proud to have these incredible instructors in our… Read More

Professor Counts Awarded UWM Distinguished Service Award

Our esteemed colleague, fearless leader, and department Chair, Derek Counts, has been awarded UWM’s Distinguished University Service Award! This award recognizes outstanding service to the University community. Many congratulations to Derek. The Department of Art History is very fortunate to… Read More

Professor Tiffany Wins Madison Fellowship

Tanya Tiffany

Congratulations to UWM Art History Professor Tanya Tiffany for being awarded a fellowship at UW-Madison’s Institute for Research in the Humanities! She will be working on a translation and bilingual edition of the only known autobiography by a woman artist… Read More