Panthers in Space

Geek Week Discord

Tune in for a chat with Darian Dixon, UWM Alumni and Mission Operations Specialist for the Mars Curiosity Rover, about careers in space exploration and representation in STEM Click here to watch or stream on the Geek Week Facebook Channel.... Read More


Board Game Night

Geek Week Discord

Join Strategic Board Game club for some virtual gaming here!


Netflix Screening

Geek Week Discord

Join us each night for a movie or show before bed! Check out the Discord Channel for more info on what we're watching and how to join.  

DiverITy 7


A virtual event where you can learn and talk about diversity in STEM and Business, specifically in the Milwaukee area Click here to join!    


Geek Week Crafternoon

Geek Week Discord

Join us as we create some Geek Week crafts! We'll have a few projects to choose from and live art instruction. CLICK HERE to join the event. When you're done, show of your creation in the Geek Week Discord!