Crossing Over 2020 (Virtual Exhibition)

The Crossing Over exhibition showcases work created by undergraduate students of the UWM Peck School of the Arts department of Art and Design who have received a scholarship and/or fellowship award in 2020. This exciting annual event highlights the exceptional... Read More

Musical hour with the UWM Nomad Saxophone Quartet

UWM Union Art Gallery

Join us for a musical hour with the UWM Nomad Saxophone quartet! This musical ensemble composed of four saxophones will be playing in the gallery during out Annual Juried Exhibition. Come enjoy a creative mixture of visual and musical arts... Read More

Project of the Week: Planner and Coffee Candle Holder

UWM Union Studio Arts and Craft Centre 2200 E. Kenwood Blvd. Union EG30, Milwaukee, WI, United States

  Every week the SACC has 2 new projects. Stop in anytime during our open hours to make them! All supplies and instructions will be provided. **These specific projects will be available during our open hours on Monday, January 22... Read More

Learn to Code with a Dungeon Crawler Game

Geek Week Discord

  Learn some basic coding skills with CodeCombat, an adventure-based dungeon crawler where you choose your hero (ranger, wizard, fighter, etc types), control their actions with code, defeat monsters, and level up! Stop by to learn how to get started... Read More


Geek Week Treats

Geek Week Discord

Drop in and make some delicious Geek-Themed treats with us! We will have live instruction and your box will include all the ingredients you need. Join the class here!