
Union Cinema

Warren Beatty's award-winning epic mixes drama and interviews with major social radicals of the period. REDS tells the story of the love affair between activists Louise Bryant and John Reed. Set against the backdrop of the tumultuous start of the... Read More


The Divorcee

Union Cinema

FREE FOR EVERYONE! MGM production head Irving Thalberg and his then-wife Norma Shearer bring this modern tale of infidelity to the screen. When Jerry discovers that her husband, Ted, has had an affair, she turns to Ted’s best friend Don... Read More


Portrait of Jason

Union Cinema

Two Films by Shirley Clarke Shot in the living room of Shirley Clarke’s Chelsea Hotel penthouse from 9:00pm to 9:00am one December night in 1966, Portrait of Jason captures a slice of American hustler and aspiring performer Jason Holliday. Holliday... Read More


The Connection

Union Cinema

Two Films by Shirley Clarke  Reimagining Jack Gelber’s controversial off-Broadway play about a group of addicts—many of them jazz musicians—waiting for a fix, Clarke changed the slumming writer companion of the original to a fly-on-the-wall filmmaker out of the cinema... Read More


The Connection

Union Cinema

Two Films by Shirley Clarke  Reimagining Jack Gelber’s controversial off-Broadway play about a group of addicts—many of them jazz musicians—waiting for a fix, Clarke changed the slumming writer companion of the original to a fly-on-the-wall filmmaker out of the cinema... Read More
