Musical hour with the UWM Nomad Saxophone Quartet

UWM Union Art Gallery

Join us for a musical hour with the UWM Nomad Saxophone quartet! This musical ensemble composed of four saxophones will be playing in the gallery during out Annual Juried Exhibition. Come enjoy a creative mixture of visual and musical arts... Read More

Lead the Change! Social Justice Leadership Development Workshop Series 

Various Mondays | Workshop Series   4:00pm-5:30pm | Location given after registration    This six-week program gives students of all identities the opportunity to develop skills related to being an agent of change. Participants must attend at least 4 of 6 workshops. “Allies, Advocates, and Activists” and “Intent versus Impact” are mandatory.... Read More

Images of the World and the Inscription of War – Harun Farocki Series

Mitchell Hall, Room B91 3203 N Downer Ave, Milwaukee, WI, United States

The vanishing point of Images of The World is the conceptual image of the 'blind spot' of the evaluators of aerial footage of the IG Farben industrial plant taken by the Americans in 1944. Commentaries and notes on the photographs... Read More


Videograms of a Revolution – Harun Farocki Series

Mitchell Hall, Room B91 3203 N Downer Ave, Milwaukee, WI, United States

In December 1989, the future of Romania was up in the air. It was also on the air. During a televised speech, Nicolae Ceauşescu stopped speaking and looked off-camera, confused. The broadcast cut briefly to an empty red screen, until... Read More


How to Live in the FRG – Harun Farocki Series

Mitchell Hall, Room B91 3203 N Downer Ave, Milwaukee, WI, United States

How To Live in the FRG assembles out of a wealth of details a picture of a society in which childbearing and dying, crying and taking care of people, crossing streets and killing are taught and learned in state or... Read More
