Musical hour with the UWM Nomad Saxophone Quartet

UWM Union Art Gallery

Join us for a musical hour with the UWM Nomad Saxophone quartet! This musical ensemble composed of four saxophones will be playing in the gallery during out Annual Juried Exhibition. Come enjoy a creative mixture of visual and musical arts... Read More

Black Feminist Symposium

Lubar Entrepreneurship Center 2100 E Kenwood Blvd, WI, United States

The annual Black Feminist Symposium aims to present the UWM campus and community with resources, workshops, and engaging discussions that center the theory and practice of Black feminism in an accessible way.   For more information, or to request accommodations, please contact:  ... Read More

Black Student Union Ebony Gala

Union Fireside Lounge

A showcase celebrating African and African American culture.  For more information, or to request accommodations, please contact: or   Sponsored by the Black Student Union at UWM. 

Courageous Conversations

Inclusive Excellence Center (Union 119) 2200 E. Kenwood Blvd., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Courageous Conversations is a monthly event series co-hosted by the Inclusive Excellence Center and Sociocultural Programming. The intention of this program is to offer a brave space to UWM students to talk about relevant topics in our society today. Each... Read More

Strengths for UWM Seniors – 3/1/22

Lubar Entrepreneurship Center 2100 E Kenwood Blvd, WI, United States

Calling all UWM Seniors! Want to discover your strengths and learn how to utilize them to the fullest for career success? Register today for our small-group coaching sessions utilizing the Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment. You will receive your Top 5 Strengths and... Read More