Crossing Over 2021

November 15-December 16, 2021 Visit us in person! Gallery Hours: Mon-Wed and Fri: 12pm-5pm | Thurs: 12pm-7pm Visit the exhibition online here! (direct link will show up after the exhibition opens) The Crossing Over exhibition showcases work created by undergraduate... Read More


Musical hour with the UWM Nomad Saxophone Quartet

UWM Union Art Gallery

Join us for a musical hour with the UWM Nomad Saxophone quartet! This musical ensemble composed of four saxophones will be playing in the gallery during out Annual Juried Exhibition. Come enjoy a creative mixture of visual and musical arts... Read More

Panther Pause: Ignite Your Intentions Candle-Making Workshop

UWM Union Ballroom West 2200 E Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Join PRSSA and Blossom Candle Co. as you make your own candles while also having meaningful conversations. The candle will be personalized with the intentions of its creator who will label their candle with their desired intentions (chill, unwind, relax,... Read More

Panther Pause: A mindful Study Session

Union E240

Join Health Promotion and Wellness for a 3 -hour drop in group study session space with A brief mindfulness activities and snacks. Mindfulness take-away activities and resources will also be available!