Siercks adopts art from UWM Art Collection

Dan Siercks adopted multiple objects from the the UWM Art Collection Adopt Art program in honor of his wife, art history BA 2011/MA 2013 alumna, Elizabeth Siercks.
Dan Siercks adopted multiple objects from the the UWM Art Collection Adopt Art program in honor of his wife, art history BA 2011/MA 2013 alumna, Elizabeth Siercks.
Alumni from the 2012-2013 ARTHIST 703/704: Introduction to Museum Studies courses donated to the Adopt Art program to preserve two objects from their course exhibition, Fragments of Faith. They adopted a 12th-13th century, silver gilt, German chalice from the Charles Bolles… Read More
On Thursday, November 5, the UWM Graduate School hosted its Graduate School Open House in the Wisconsin Room of the UWM Student Union.
On Tuesday, September 30, 2015, Linda Brazeau (Director, UWM Art Collection and Galleries) and Kate Negri (Academic Department Associate) attended the 2015 Milwaukee Film Festival. They watched the film Almost There at the Times Cinema in Wauwatosa.
The Department of Art History is pleased to introduce the 2015-2016 Art History teaching assistants:
Linda Brazeau (Director, UWM Art Collection and Gallleries; Senior Lecturer) and Kate Negri (Academic Department Associate) attended the 2015 Milwaukee Film Sponsor Kick-Off at the Grain Exchange on Thursday, September 3, 2015.
Associate Professor Tanya Tiffany and the Academic Department Associate, Kate Negri, found a poster of Professor Derek Counts on the second floor of the UWM Student Union.
On Thursday, November 20, the UWM Graduate School hosted its first Graduate School Open House in the Wisconsin Room of the UWM Student Union.