Graduate student Jackie Murphy attended the Wisconsin Museum Conference 2015 “Creativity as Currency: The Growing Value of Creativity in Museums” in Green Bay, WI, on Monday, November 2, 2015.
Jackie Murphy reports, “I was fortunate enough to attend the Wisconsin Museum Conference, presented by the Wisconsin Federation of Museums, at the Neville Public Museum. The conference had a theme of creativity which the key note speakers and sessions centered around. In the first half of the day we networked with museum professionals and discussed issues pertinent to museums. Some of these topics included how to create interactive programming, how to measure success outside of attendance numbers, and collection storage difficulties. In the second half I attended a lecture titled “Creative Exhibit Planning: How to Capture Lightning in a Bottle!” where Erich Zuern, the producer of Xhibitz, Inc., spoke about his work as a project manager of museum exhibits around the country. Attending the conference was a great way to meet and connect with museum professionals in the Wisconsin area. It also allowed me to see the difficulties museums face while also displaying their successes. It was an enlightening day and I’m very thankful to have been a part of it!”