COVID-19 presents unprecedented challenges for student success and retention. Taking action to ensure students re-enroll at UWM in Fall 2020 is a major emphasis.
The re-enrollment dashboard is one of many interactive resources developed by UWM’s Office of Assessment and Institutional Research (OAIR). Here are the kinds of questions it is designed to answer:
- Of the students enrolled officially in Fall 2019, how many have not re-enrolled to-date in Spring 2020?
- Of the students enrolled officially in Fall 2019 who were not expecting to graduate, how many have not re-enrolled to-date in Spring 2020?
- How do rates of non-re-enrollment in Spring 2020 vary by academic performance in Fall 2019 (e.g. cumulative and term GPA, cumulative credits)?
- How do rates of non-re-enrollment to-date compare to last year?
The dashboard presents data on several types of student enrollment status as well as race/ethnicity, primary school/college cumulative credits, and GPA data. You are able search re-enrollment rates for specific groups and criteria.