Clery Act Information

Clery Act

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998 (Clery Act) and Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA), this website contains information regarding the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s efforts to inform the campus community about campus crime policy, health and safety policies and procedures, and crime statistics.

The Clery Act requires UWM to collect crime reports from campus security authorities (CSAs). More information about the statistic collection process and definition of CSAs is available in the Compliance with Clery Act Policy – Selected Academic and Administrative Policies (SAAPs) SAAP 10-4 here.

After compiling a list of specific reported crimes and health and safety policies and procedures, UWM publishes an Annual Security Report (ASR) each Fall. In the ASR, UWM includes an Annual Fire Safety Report (AFSR), which contains information about the fire safety practices and standards of the institution.

UWM continually monitors criminal activity and any related procedures, and then reports that information annually in the ASR/AFSR. UWM sends this information via e-mail to all students.

For information please contact:
Dean of Students Office
Student Union 345

Annual Security Reports

The Annual Security Report (ASR) and Annual Fire Safety Report (AFSR) contain crime statistics that were reported to local police agencies or campus security authorities. The Clery Act is location bound, meaning that crimes in the ASR/AFSR only include certain crimes that occurred:

  1. On campus
  2. In certain off-campus buildings owned or controlled by UWM
  3. Public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus

The specific crimes that are recorded are identified in the Compliance with Clery Act Policy linked here.