Food Center and Pantry



We are located on the ground floor of the Student Union, along Maryland Ave, next to Union Station.

Fall 2024 Hours: Fall Hours will begin on September 3rd, 2024

Mondays: CLOSED

Tuesdays: Open from noon until 3 PM (open by appointment only. The sign up will be posted here each week). Please scroll down for more information on Tuesday sign ups.

Wednesdays: Open from 8 AM until noon

Thursdays: Open from 1 PM until 4:30 PM

Fridays: Open 10 AM until 12:30 PM

Information on Tuesday Sign Ups

On Tuesdays, the pantry is open by appointment only. The sign-up sheet will be posted above each week. It will be posted no later than the Monday before open hours. Please only sign up for one appointment. If you sign up for more than one, you will be removed from the sign up and will need to sign up again. Please do not sign up for other people. Each person must make their own appointment. Please do not line up more than 5 minutes ahead of your appointment time. Please show up to your appointment on time. You will not be able to get in early and if you are late, we cannot guarantee we will have openings for you for a later shift, so please plan accordingly.

Diaper/Wipe Distribution Update:

Starting in Fall 2024, diaper distribution in the UWM Food Center and Pantry will be moved to a once-a-month diaper distribution. Diapers and wipes are available only to UWM student parents. Student parents who need diapers and/or wipes can come to the pantry on the first Monday of every month to receive diapers/wipes. No sign up is required, but please have your student ID or active UWM email address. The pantry will only be open for diaper/wipe distribution during these times. If you are in need of food as well, please check for our Fall 2024 open hours above. We highly recommend you come during this time. However, if this conflicts with your class schedule, please email us at to arrange another time to pick up. The schedule for Fall 2024 semester diaper distribution is below:

September 9th from 1 PM until 3 PM

October 7th from 1 PM until 3 PM

November 4th from 1 PM until 3 PM

December 2nd from 1 PM until 3 PM

How to Access the UWM Food Center and Pantry

  1. Check in at the desk.
  2. Provide the volunteer your active UWM email or UWM ID. If your email is not active, you will not be able to use the UWM Food Center & Pantry.
  3. Grab a bag and pick items you would like. All patrons are limited to 1 bag per visit. Please follow the signs posted in the pantry for items with limits.
  4. If you would like fridge or freezer items, please ask the attendant who will get the items for you.
  5. You are permitted to use the pantry once a week.

Our Partners:

The UWM Food Center and Pantry is grateful for our partnerships with Feeding America and the Milwaukee Diaper Mission.

Other pantries in the Milwaukee area:

Map of Local Pantries near you. Just enter the zip code or address of where you are staying. You can also dial 211 from a phone for emergency food assistance and other community resources.

Fresh Picks Mobile Market:

The Hunger Task Force Fresh Picks Mobile Market offers fresh produce, meat, and dairy items at a discount. The market accepts debit cards, credit cards and Quest EBT. The Fresh Picks Mobile Market visits various locations throughout the Milwaukee Area. Check out their calendar to find a location near you.

Food Share (SNAP):

College students who meet certain criteria are eligible for Food Share. Students can apply on the Wisconsin Access site. Students must be at least 1/2 time enrolled and meet one of the following criteria:

  • be either eligible for work study (whether or not you are employed), or
  • have an expected family contribution (EFC) of $0. This is based the student’s FAFSA application.

Want to help support the UWM Food Center & Pantry?

  • Our Amazon Wishlist: From time to time we’ll be posting high need items on our social media, but the most straightforward way to order is through Amazon! You can use our wish list, or just order from your own Amazon account and have it delivered to 2200 E Kenwood Blvd., ATTN: Food Center & Pantry, Milwaukee, WI 53211.
  • Donate through the UWM Foundation: Go, click “Give Now”, Click on Other Funds and enter Food pantry in the search box.
  • Volunteer with us! Email for our current volunteer shifts.
  • Learn more about how to support the FCP with our FCP Partnership Packet!

Addressing Food Insecurity Among College Students

During Fall 2016, the Student Association (SA) conducted a campus wide survey addressing food insecurity. From those survey results, we learned that roughly 50% of UWM students report not having enough food to eat. For some, this might seem like a surprising statistic, but for half of the UWM student population, this is their reality. Our mission is to ensure that the entire UWM community has access to nutritious food and key necessities in a welcoming and educational space. We collect demographic information and a variety of other data to improve processes and ensure that it is equitable, inclusive and accessible to meet the needs of the UWM diverse student population. If you have questions, please email UWM Food Center and Pantry at Find us on Facebook!