Behavior Intervention Team (BIT)

The UWM Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) intervenes when there are behaviors that threaten the health or safety of others.  BIT gathers information regarding threats to others or the campus community, assesses those threats, and identifies and implements interventions to mitigate and/or manage the threat(s) if threats are identified.  

The BIT is not an emergency response team. Behaviors that require immediate attention are handled by UWM Police. If there is an emergency or if you need immediate assistance, call 9-911 from a campus phone and 414-229-9911 from a cell phone. 

Threat assessment does not replace other classroom management responsibilities, supervisory workplace duties, or disciplinary processes, it supplements those efforts. 


If you notice behavior that is threatening and/or dangerous, or similar behavior, submit a report. If you are uncertain about whether the behavior is concerning, we still encourage you to report it. 

Reporting information goes to University officials, which is permitted under FERPA.

Other teams

UWM has also established a Student Support Team (SST) to assist in matters where students may be experiencing considerable emotional distress, including potential for self-harm or harm to others, and to connect to appropriate resources.  To contact the SST, please visit 

BIT Membership

The BIT is chaired by the Dean of Students and the Chief of Police for the UWM Police Department.  The other BIT members, or their designees, are: 

Chief Legal Counsel  
Director of University Housing  
Director of University Counseling Services  
Campus Health Officer  
Associate Dean of Students – Conduct  
Branch Campus Assistant Dean for Student Affairs   

If the matter involves an individual with an affiliation to another University office and/or group, BIT may invite other staff members assist with a case on an as needed basis.  

BIT members are trained annually and do on-going training and tabletop exercises.  

Threat Assessment

The BIT uses the National Association for Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (NaBITA) Risk Rubric for assessing threats.  The NaBITA Risk Rubric includes a D-Scale for evaluating Life Stress and Emotional Health and an E-Scale for evaluating Hostility and Violence to Others.  

When BIT is evaluating a case, the NaBITA Risk Rubric is used as an initial assessment to determine next steps for gathering information, assessment of risk, and/or intervention.   

For incidents that include extremist and/or terrorist violence, the BIT team uses the Extremist Risk Intervention Scale (ERIS).  

If there is no threat made or present, potential interventions could include a meeting with the reporter and the individual, a meeting with the Dean of Students staff member (for students), student conduct (UWS Chapter 17) or Human Resources response, referral to resources, and/or conflict management, mediation, or problem solving.    

Behavioral Intervention Team Video