Reuse, Recycle


Recycling at UWM

From electronics to pallets to ceiling tile, recycling at UWM goes beyond paper and aluminum cans.  UWM looks to manage and reduce its waste while looking for new recycling outlets and markets to diversify its opportunities. 

Recently, UW-Milwaukee entered into a Resource Management contract in order to gain a deeper understanding of the campus waste streams and incentivize recycling with its haulers. Waste audits and better data collection is helping to streamline the operations, find financial savings, and fine-tune campus educational programs.


Since 2009, UW-Milwaukee has participated in the international campus waste and recycling competition called RecycleMania, a friendly competition and benchmarking tool for college and university recycling programs to promote waste reduction activities to their campus communities.

RecycleMania 2015

In 2015, the Office of Sustainability focused on updating No-Sort Recycling signage throughout campus and increasing food waste pickup which is turned into compost at our hoop house.

Total 2015-All campus participation
(Housing, Buildings and Grounds, and Student Union)
UWM’s final recycling rate was 34.3%, with the total weight of recycling over the ten week competition slightly over 463,000 pounds!