Energy conservation is key to developing a sustainable campus. UWM Facility Services is committed to the operations that improve efficiencies. It is also the role of every student, staff, and faculty member to contribute to these efforts. Operational changes only go so far. For every lamp that is switched out, it is just as important to be turned off when not in use. Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and managing our resources wisely will improve the environment and our bottom line.
In recent years, UW-Milwaukee went building by building to improve efficiencies through “performance contracting”. This type of contracting, based on performance and meeting a set goal, was rolled out through campus, phase by phase, through a program called Energy Matters.
Energy Matters at UWM
Energy Matters to the Environment. Energy Matters to Economics. Energy Matters to Everyone.
Performance Contracting to Meet Goals- Energy Matters
— To achieve an energy reduction of 25% by 2013
— To reduce campus use of fossil fuels
— To provide comfortable study and work space
The History
In 2005, through Executive Order 145, the governor ordered all UW-System institutions to reduce energy consumption. Using 2005 as an institution’s benchmark measurement, UW-Milwaukee set out to use 10 percent less energy by 2008 and 20 percent less by 2010. When UWM recorded a 5 percent increase in energy consumption by 2008, the university made a decision to reduce energy consumption by 25 percent by 2013 through performance contracting.
Performance contracting is a process where a contractor audits buildings to review their energy usage and savings potential, then makes recommendations as to how to make the building perform better and use less energy. In 2009 the State of Wisconsin, UWM’s Facility Services and Honeywell International worked together to conduct performance contracting in buildings throughout campus. The project was funded through a state revolving loan fund to address energy conservation and is expected to have a 16 year payback.
Energy Matters worked throughout the campus, covering over 4 million square feet.
The program met its goal by 2013. Overall UWM reached a 27% energy reduction per gross square foot. Some of the buildings that went through performance contracting have seen over a 42% reduction in energy usage. As of FY14, an estimated $11 million dollars in energy costs have been avoided. The program continues to be monitored through Honeywell’s measurement and verification as well as through the Office of Sustainability.
Energy Matters in the News
Energy Matters: Greening the Campus
Energy Matters: UITS Pilots PC Power Initiative