Academic Skills Tutoring

Last Day of Academic Skills Tutoring is Thursday, May 9th!

Academic skills tutoring pairs a student with a tutor trained to assist in four main areas related to academic success: time management, note-taking, study skills, and test-taking skills. The tutor will work with you to identify areas of strength and improvement, build confidence and practice skills for success, and help you apply these skills to classes and other academic responsibilities.  Resources are also provided, including worksheets and study tips. Students are welcome to sign up for a one-time or a recurring appointment, with a variety of times available each week.

Academic Skills Tutoring Request Form

The Study Skills Inventory Self Reflection is a great way to begin considering your current academic habits and how they can be improved. To complete electronically, Pre-Appointment Study Skills Inventory Survey, select “show results” at the end to view your inventory. You can also complete the non-electronic version Study Skills Inventory.

Additional Questions?  E-mail, or visit the SSC desk attendant in Bolton 120.