There are a number of free academic support services available to UWM students. If you haven’t found what you’re looking for through SSC, we encourage you to utilize services provided by other campus departments.

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Walk-in tutoring for 100-level Chemistry Courses
McFarland Learning Center: Chemistry 372

Learn More about Chemistry and Biochemistry Tutoring

Engineering and Applied Science

Walk-in tutoring for Engineering Courses
EMS E280

Learn More about Engineering & Applied Science Tutoring

School of Information Studies

Tutoring for SOIS (INFOST) classes (schedule can be found under the tutoring tab in the link below)

Learn More about INFOST Tutoring

Writing Center

One-on-one, confidential writing assistance; for any writer, any level, any subject, and any stage of the task.  Appointments are recommended, but walk-in assistance is available
Main office: Curtin 127

Learn More about the Writing Center