What is Course Specific Tutoring?
Review. Practice. Succeed.
Course Specific Tutoring is a FREE, peer-facilitated group study session that was developed to improve retention and academic success. Students can sign up for a tutoring sessions consisting of up to 5 students that is facilitated by a tutor that demonstrated proficiency in the course material. Tutoring sessions are designed to be a fun and interactive way to learn the course material through group activities, discussions, and games! All you need to bring are any course materials that will help you be prepared to engage in the session.
- Build in 1 hour study time within your weekly schedule.
- Review the course material.
- Learn new and effective ways to study.
- Build relationships with peers who are in the same field of study.
Expectations and Guidelines
While our staff hopes students find their group tutoring experience in our center helpful and rewarding, we do ask that students keep the following in mind while utilizing our services.
- You are expected to attend your scheduled tutoring session. If you decide you no longer need tutoring, please notify your tutor or cancel your appointment in Navigate360.
- If you are missing your session, please email your tutor and let them know as soon as possible!
Cancellation/No Show
- If you need to cancel your scheduled small group tutoring session due to a conflict, please cancel through Navigate360 or email the tutor directly at least 2 hours before the session starts.
- Frequent no shows or cancellations may result in no longer being able to sign up for tutoring appointments.
During a Session
- Tutors are here to assist you in understanding the material and will show you ways to study for the course. They cannot do a homework assignment for you, nor are they a substitute for attending lectures.
- You are expected to come to the tutoring session with your course materials and ready to focus on the subject matter. Please turn cell phones off, etc.
- As stated above, tutors are here for you. If you have specific questions that you want answered or concerns about the material, let the tutor know.
Use of Services
- You must currently be enrolled for credit in the course for which you desire tutoring.
- Students can sign up for tutoring at least 24 hours prior the start of the scheduled tutoring session. No same day tutoring available.
- Students may participate in tutoring twice a week for the same course (this excludes SI sessions or exam review sessions). Students will need advisor recommendation for a third tutoring appointment.
- Students interested in weekly tutoring can talk to their tutor directly or our front desk worker at the Library East Wing E154.
- We provide small group tutoring; we do not guarantee any individual tutoring sessions.
Student Success Center retains the right to share information about your participation in tutoring with the UWM administration, faculty, and with your advisor.
If you have any concerns about your tutoring experience, please contact us at ssc@uwm.edu or stop by Library East Wing E154.
Meet our Course Specific Tutors

Jordynn Leigh
ASL 301 – 305 Tutor
- jjleigh@uwm.edu
- Library East Wing E154
Navigate360 Availability Link Coming Soon!

Janet Parise
Criminal Justice 110, 271, 273, 275 Tutor
- jyparise@uwm.edu
- Library East Wing E154
Schedule a Criminal Justice 110, 271, 273, or 275 Tutoring Appointment

Ella Waigand
German 101 – 102, 203 Tutor
Spanish 203, 204 Tutor
- ewaigand@uwm.edu
- Library East Wing E154
- She / Her
Schedule a German 101, 102, 203 or Spanish 203, 204 Tutoring Appointment

Zane Kurszewski
Math/Philosophy 111 Tutor
Philosophy 211 Tutor
- kursze32@uwm.edu
- Library East Wing E154
- They / Them
Schedule a Math/Philosophy 111 or Philosophy 211 Tutoring Appointment
Tutor Request Form
If you are unable to find a tutor for a supported course, please fill out the following form and we will try to fill your request.
What Do Students Say
Great tutor! Very interactive and receptive to questions, topic suggestions, etc. He is extremely knowledgeable on anything we ask and conveys the information in a related and positive way!
Our tutor brings sheets with formulas and concept summaries weekly, as well as opening each session by asking if we have specific questions. He walks us through problems when students complete them on the board.
I feel that my tutor is the big reason my confidence was raised and passed ASL last semester. She is so personal, friendly and willing to help! Appreciate her patience when she corrects me and it is done in my best interest and kindly!