UWM students can schedule tutoring appointments for courses supported by the SSC Tutoring/SI program through Navigate360.
See our Small Group Tutors webpage for a complete list of UWM courses supported by our program.
How to Schedule a Tutoring Appointment
- Students can login into Navigate360 Student
- Click on Appointments
- Click on Schedule an Appointment
- Choose Tutoring
- Choose Course Specific Tutoring
- Click on the available time slot you would like you schedule tutoring
- Review and confirm the tutoring appointment details (i.e. name, date and location). Confirm the appointment is in-person or online.
- You can include any information you would like your tutor to know ahead of time.
- Click the Schedule button
- You will receive a confirmation email as well as a reminder email the day before your appointment.
*** If students have any questions or issues signing up for tutoring, please contact the Student Success Center directly at scc@uwm.edu or stop by our office in the Library East Wing E154.
Step-by-Step PDF Instructions
Tutoring Appointments in Navigate360 Video Tutorial
Tutor Request Form
If you are unable to find a tutor for a supported course, please fill out the following form and we will try to fill your request.