Our Mission

The Fund for Wisconsin Scholars (FFWS) wants to increase the number of college graduates in the state of Wisconsin. They want to provide grants that open the door to a better world and support students to help make higher education accessible, affordable, and degree completion more achievable.

FFWS wants to help reduce the financial barriers to college and lighten the debt of college. With reducing debt, students might be able to work fewer hours per week, have more time to study, and will be able to participate in campus clubs and activities. Refer to the FFWS page for more information on the grant.


The Fund for Wisconsin Scholars (FFWS) is a grant that is gifted; they do not have to be repaid. There is no application process as eligibility is determined using data from the Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). Once a list of eligible students is provided to the University of Wisconsin System Offices, recipients are randomly selected to receive the grant. Students will receive multiple emails to notify them about directions on how to accept the grant.

To be eligible, one must:

  • Be a resident of Wisconsin
  • Have been a full-time, resident student in a Wisconsin public school for four semesters prior to graduation
  • Have received a Wisconsin public high school diploma or HSED within the past three years
  • Be under the age of 21 years at initial eligibility
  • Be in a first-degree residential program within at least 24 successful credits.
  • Be enrolled full time in a UW System university based in Wisconsin
  • Be a PELL grant recipient at initial eligibility
  • Have remaining unmet financial need

To keep the grant, one must:

  • Fill out FAFSA each academic year
  • Take majority of your credits in person rather than virtual
  • First year student should meet with their peer mentor once every semester
  • Be a full-time student (at least 12 credits a semester)
  • Make adequate academic progress is being made toward degree completion


As an FFWS recipient you will be awarded a grant of $4,500 each year ($2,250 per semester). This grant is awarded for a maximum of 10 semesters (5 years). FFWS helps students pay for summer credits up to a $1,000 through the main Milwaukee campus (depending on credits taken). If a student takes summer courses either at the Waukesha or Washington Country campus a student may receive a maximum of $450 (depending on credits taken).

As an FFWS recipient, students will be paired with a peer mentor that goes to UWM and who is also a FFWS recipient and a success coach. These peer mentors will offer support, answer questions, connect them to campus and educational resources, navigating campus as the transition to UWM, etc. The success coach will offer support, building skills to achieve their goals, referring students to campus resources, including tutoring, mental health counseling, etc.

Meet our Team

Pradiptya Fasha Adani , FFWS Graduate Assistant

Ruth Schulze, Financial Aid Officer