Computer Labs
At SOIS, one of the central areas of emphasis is the pursuit of Information Technology (IT) and defining the fundamentals that comprise that area. One of the principal ways in which we achieve this is through a “hands-on” approach, where students are given access to computers and various forms of IT systems in a lab setting. Such access provides students with an opportunity to accumulate experience with a variety of systems, software and environments.
Computer Lab Locations & General Information
IST Tutoring
In addition to the tutoring options below, we recommend connecting with your instructor directly during their posted office hours.
IST Tutoring Hours – Onsite (NWQD 3815) and Online
110 and 120 ONLY:
Monday – 2:30pm-5:00pm
Thursday – 9:00am-11:30am
ALL required courses:
Monday 10:00am-12:00pm
Tuesday 11:00am-3:00pm
Wednesday 10:00am-12:00pm
Thursday 12:00pm-2:00pm
Join Online Tutoring Teams Site
Looking for assistance with general academic skills such as note taking, studying or testing tips? Visit the Academic Skills Tutoring Form.
Student Web Space
SOIS students have access to free space on the UWM LAMP server. A LAMP environment is a standard open-source software stack. This acronym stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. With this service, students have the ability to learn and experiment with web design and development.
LinkedIn Learning – online video library
All UW-Milwaukee, students, faculty and staff have access to LinkedIn Learning (previously known as, an online subscription library that teaches the latest software, creative and business skills through high-quality instructional videos featuring recognized industry experts. To begin learning today, log in with your ePantherID and password.
Kaltura CaptureSpace Lite
Kaltura CaptureSpace Lite is only supported for current SOIS faculty and students.
KOrg Student Resources
These resources are for INFOST 511, 712, 714, 717, and 719
Online Student Lounge (Canvas)
SOIS offers an online student lounge for our students to connect and communicate in a virtual environment. There is one virtual student lounge for both graduate and undergraduate students. Each semester students can choose to join the lounge if they wish.
Lab & Computer Use
The School of Information Studies (SOIS) computer labs are intended to be used only by current SOIS students who are a declared major, minor, or currently enrolled in one or more SOIS courses. The computers and their installed applications are intended for current SOIS coursework or related purposes. Our computers are not intended to be used for personal or other reasons. The SOIS administration and IT department reserve the right to revoke access to computers at any time for any reason they see appropriate.
Electronic Resources
The School of Information Studies (SOIS) provides a wide array of software applications and other course-specific resources to our students. These services are to be used within the guidelines provided by either the vendor in the case of downloadable software or by Campus Technology Support for other school-specific resources such as the Student Web Space. In general, these electronic resources are provided for use by current SOIS students for their SOIS coursework. Students who do not follow the guidelines set may have their access revoked at the discretion of the school’s administration or IT department.
Copyright Law
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Reproduction in excess of fair use or other provision of the copyright may be infringing. The user or the institution or both may be liable. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve a violation of copyright law.
UWM’s Computer Usage Policy
UWM provides a computer usage policy which is below. Wherever appropriate or where SOIS does not supply specific guidelines we will rely on the general campus computer usage policy:
Section 17.09.10 of the statute: Misuse of Computer Resources.
- Failure to comply with laws, license agreements, and contracts governing university computer network, software, and hardware use.
- Use of university computing resources for unauthorized commercial purposes or personal gain.
- Failure to protect a personal password or university-authorized account.
- Breach of computer security, invasion of privacy, or unauthorized access to university computing resources. (
Future Changes
The School of Information Studies reserves the right to update and modify its guidelines as needed. Any questions or clarifications on usage guidelines can be directed to Campus Technology Support.