Student and tutor in tutoring session

What is Academic Skills Tutoring?

Academic Skills Tutoring consists of individual 30-minute appointments with one of our trained Academic Skills Tutors. These appointments can cover: 

  • time management strategies (i.e., creating/maintaining a realistic school, work, and homework schedule; prioritizing your various different obligations and responsibilities; blocking your time; and more)
  • study strategies that lead to retention and improved exam performance
  • test taking strategies that can help mitigate feelings of test anxiety and help you to manage timed tests more efficiently
  • note taking strategies that will increase comprehension
  • effective midterm/final exam study planning

Our Services

Student and tutor in tutoring session

Request Academic Skills Tutoring

Our Academic Skills Tutor can meet with a student in a one:one capacity for 30 minutes to discuss a range of academic skills from time management, note-taking, study skills, and test-taking skills for students to apply them within their classes and beyond.

Presenting Slideshow about Test Taking Strategies

Request a Skills Presentation

The Student Success Center (SSC) offers a number of Skills-based presentations to help students be successful. These presentations range from 25-60 minutes, and can be customized based off of the unique needs of each student population we present to.

Meet our Team

Mushtari Nabijonova
Academic Skills Tutor

Mason Peterson
Academic Skills Tutor

Scott White
Academic Skills Tutor

Kristyn Wiencek
First-Year Specialist

Handouts and Resources