Budget Tool (.xlsx) |
Enables researchers to develop accurate and compliant budgets for sponsored projects. The Tool is programmed with the latest rates for fringe benefits and salaries for research assistants. Researchers are strongly encouraged to use the tool to develop their budgets. Budgets must be attached to the relevant WISPER record to facilitate institutional review and approvals. |
12/19/24 |
Differences between a National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health Proposal [Bioscience] (PDF) |
Provides a general overview of the differences between an NSF and NIH proposal in bioscience fields. Applicants MUST review their specific NSF Program Solicitation or NIH Funding Opportunity Announcement for detailed instructions on developing a proposal. |
3/25/2024 |
Differences between a National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health Proposal [Social Sciences] (PDF) |
Provides a general overview of the differences between an NSF and NIH proposal in social science fields. Applicants MUST review their specific NSF Program Solicitation or NIH Funding Opportunity Announcement for detailed instructions on developing a proposal. |
3/25/2024 |
Frequently Requested Information (Web page) |
Standard institutional information for developing and submitting grant proposals. |
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Grants.gov Workspace User Instructions (PDF) |
To create or participate in the preparation of a Grants.gov Workspace proposal, you must be registered in Grants.gov with an Organization Applicant Profile linked to UWM. |
1/4/2018 |
Grants.gov Applicant Resources |
Resources for developing and submitting proposals via the Grants.gov. Faculty and staff should NOT register with Grants.gov–the Office of Sponsored Programs maintains UWM‘s Grants.gov account. |
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National Institutes of Health eRA Commons Registration Form (.docx) |
All principal investigators and personnel on NIH-funded projects that have more than one person month of effort must have an eRA Commons account (including undergraduate and graduate students). Please complete the Registration Form and return it to your Pre-Award Specialist. |
National Institutes of Health Proposal Checklist (.docx) for New Proposals |
Provides a general overview of the requirements for submitting a new NIH proposal. Applicants MUST review their specific Funding Opportunity Announcement for deviations to the general proposal instructions. |
5/17/2016 |
National Institutes of Health Proposal Checklist (.docx) for Renewal Proposals |
Provides a general overview of the requirements for submitting a renewal NIH proposal. Applicants MUST review their specific Funding Opportunity Announcement for deviations to the general proposal instructions. |
5/17/2016 |
National Institutes of Health Proposal Checklist (.docx) for Resubmission Proposals |
Provides a general overview of the requirements for resubmitting an NIH proposal. Applicants MUST review their specific Funding Opportunity Announcement for deviations to the general proposal instructions. |
5/17/2016 |
NSF Mentoring Plan for Grad Students and Postdoctoral Fellows MS 12-20-24 (.docx) |
NSF now requires formal Mentoring Plan for both Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows. This document provides detailed instruction per NSF’s PAPP Guide, plus a template and sample mentoring plan to guide PIs in planning their mentoring activities. |
12/20/2024 |
National Science Foundation Proposal Checklist (.docx) |
Provides an abbreviated, two-page overview of the requirements for submitting NSF proposals. Applicants MUST review their specific program solicitation for deviations to the general proposal instructions. |
11/25/2016 |
National Science Foundation Proposal Preparation and Submission Guide (.docx) |
Provides a general, descriptive overview of the requirements for submitting NSF proposals, as well as the merit review criteria. Applicants MUST review their specific program solicitation for deviations to the general proposal instructions. |
11/25/2016 |
National Science Foundation Safe and Inclusive Fieldwork (SAIF) Plans Guidance(.docx) |
Provides an overview of the NSF policy for Safe and Inclusive Fieldwork Plans (SAIF) for off-campus for off-site research along with internal guidance for developing and submitting required SAIF plans. |
10/28/24 |
National Science Foundation Safe and Inclusive Fieldwork (SAIF) Plans: Process Template(.docx) |
Process template that includes the required categories for developing NSF Safe and Inclusive Fieldwork Plans (SAIF) for off-campus or off-site research. |
10/28/24 |
Notice of Intent to Apply to Limited-Submission Program (.docx) |
Informs the Office of Research of a PI’s intent to submit a proposal to a program in which the grant sponsor limits the number of applications UWM may submit. The Office of Research will hold an internal competition only if the Notices of Intent received exceed the number of submissions allowed by the sponsor. |
1/8/2018 |
Proposal Submission and Preparation Checklist for Federal and Private Agencies (.docx) |
Provides a general overview of the proposal components required for most federal and non-federal sponsors. This checklist it is not intended to be all-inclusive nor substitute a thorough review prior to submission to the sponsor. |
5/17/2016 |
Request for Limited PI Status (.docx) |
To request PI status for someone who would not be typically eligible. Send the signed form and CV to grant-notice@uwm.edu for review. |
7/15/2020 |
Sample SF-424: Application for Federal Assistance (PDF) |
Provides guidance for researchers developing standard federal grant application packages that require the SF-424 form. |
7/1/2023 |
Sample SF-424 R&R: Application for Federal Assistance (PDF) |
Provides guidance for researchers developing standard federal grant application packages that require the SF-424 R&R form (including Public Health Service [PHS] agencies). |
7/1/2023 |
Statement of Intent to Enter into a Consortium Agreement (.docx) |
UWM subrecipients must provide a signed Statement of Intent to Enter into a Consortium Agreement prior to proposal submission. |
12/2/2014 |
Tax Exemption Letter (PDF) |
This letter will typically satisfy sponsor requirements regarding UWM‘s tax exempt status. |
6/16/2021 |
Wisconsin Proposal Electronic Routing (WISPER) System (Web page) |
Information regarding the use of WISPER, UWM‘s system for routing proposals and awards for approval at various levels within the University. |
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