This year a new leadership structure for the Graduate School and Office of Research is in place. The two units will be under a shared leadership structure reporting to one position – the Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Studies (Mark Harris) who also serves as Dean for the Graduate School.
There are three positions at the associate dean level: an Associate Dean for Graduate Studies (welcome to Vickie Moerchen), an Associate Dean for Research Professional Development (Bonnie Klein-Tasman), and an Associate Vice Provost for Research (Kris O’Connor). Each will work closely with our dedicated staff.
Vickie will deal primarily with academic program development and reviews, and she will be the designated representative on the Graduate Curriculum Committee and Graduate Program Review Committee.
Bonnie will focus on fellowships and research professional development, coordinate diversity initiatives that span both units, and serve ex-officio on the Graduate Student Fellowships Committee and the Advanced Opportunities Program Fellowship Committee. Both Vickie and Bonnie will oversee academic appeals processes. (Please contact either Vickie or Bonnie with questions that do not fall neatly into these categories, and they will coordinate to address your questions).
Kris will oversee various research-focused areas and serve ex-officio on the Research Policy & Advisory Committee.
Mark will be responsible for the direct supervision of Graduate Education (Erin Fox) and Office of Sponsored Programs (Kate Mollen) and serve ex-officio on both Research Policy & Advisory Committee and Graduate Faculty Committee.
The attached organizational chart presents the current reporting structure. The Office of Research units are shaded green, the Graduate School units are shaded yellow, and the shared units in blue (fellowships and professional development) or gray (administrative support). You may notice a slight change in the Office of Research with the regrouping of research development and internal programs into a single unit. Also, Jeff Nytes fills a new position for research compliance; he is initially focusing on revising effort reporting (a.k.a. Project Based Payroll Certification) and export controls.