Frequently Requested Information

This information is typically required for the development and submission of proposals to various external agencies. Are you seeking information not contained below? If so, please contact your Pre-Award Specialist.

Animal Welfare Assurance (AWA) Number

A3716-01 (Approved 26 September 2008)

Authorized Signatures

All proposals and awards (grants and contracts) must be signed, accepted, or submitted by an authorized institutional representative of the institution. College deans, department chairs, and/or principal investigators are not authorized to bind the institution to grants and contracts. Pre- and post-award specialists are also available to secure the appropriate signatures on proposal and award materials.
Kate Mollen
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Office of Research
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Mitchell Hall 273
Phone: (414) 229-4853
Fax: (414) 229-5000
Jeremy Miner
Associate Director of Pre-Award
Office of Research
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Mitchell Hall 273
Phone: (414) 251-9255
Fax: (414) 229-5000
Carla Durand
Assistant Director, Office of Sponsored Programs Accounting
Office of Research
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Mitchell Hall 273
Phone: (414) 229-6012
Fax: (414) 229-5000
**For all application submissions, the official institutional e-mail is This e-mail is monitored throughout each business day to ensure prompt responses by OSP staff.

Cage Code


Cognizant Federal Agency

Department of Health & Human Services
Program Support Center/Financial Management
Cost Allocation Services
Northeastern Field Office
26 Federal Plaza, Room 3412
New York, NY 10278
(214) 767-3261
Contact: Denise Shirlee

Data Universal Number System (DUNS) Number

(NOTE: This number should only be used with extramural support grants and contracts, and the Unique Entity Number (UEI) may be required instead. The UEI will be required after April 2022.)

Employer Identification Number (EIN) and Federal Tax ID Number

Public Health Service Agency EIN: 139-1805963-B5.

Facilities and Administrative (aka F&A, Indirect) Cost Rate Agreement

F&A Rate Agreement attached; date: 10/31/2023 (PDF)
Rate Period: July 1, 2020 until amended

Fringe Benefit Rates

Faculty and Academic Staff 34.5%
University Staff 45.1%
Limited Term Employees, Undergraduate Asst 12.1%
Research, Project, and Teaching Assistants, Pre-Doctoral Fellows/Trainees, Research Associates, Post-Docs, Graduate Interns 32.0%
Student Hourly 7.2%

2023-2024 Detailed Fringe Benefit Rates Breakdown (PDF)

Human Subjects Federal-wide Assurance (FWA) Number

FWA00006171 (expires June 3, 2025)

Institution Type

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, a state agency, is a public, nonprofit educational institution exempt under Section 115 of the IRS code. In addition, donations, gifts, etc., to UWM are exempt under Section 170(c)(1). The UW System Office of General Counsel has provided a letter verifying the tax exempt status (PDF) of UW System institutions.

Institutional Addresses and Contact Information

Mailing Address:
Office of Research
Office of Sponsored Programs
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
P.O. Box 340
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0340
Shipping Address:
Office of Research
Office of Sponsored Programs
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Mitchell Hall, Room 273
3203 North Downer Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53211-3153

UWM Campus Building Addresses with Zip+4 Codes (PDF)

Institutional Review Board Registration Number


Legal Name of Applicant

The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System on behalf of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Official to be Notified of Awards

Kate Mollen
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Office of Research
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Program/Research Assistant Rates

Public Health Service Entity Identification Number


Roles and Responsibilities

State of Wisconsin Fiscal Year 2022-23 Single Audit

System for Award Management Registration

Active: Valid through November 8, 2025

Unique Entity ID (UEI)


United States Congressional Legislative District


Wisconsin Senate Legislative District


Wisconsin Assembly Legislative District