(Last updated: August 4, 2021)
Latest Information
- Human Subjects Face-to-Face Research Guidelines (PDF) (Updated August 4, 2021)
The decisions for operating research labs and spaces at UWM during the COVID-19 pandemic are based on guidance from the State of Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin System, and UWM Emergency Operations Center, in consultation with UWM University Safety & Assurances (US&A), Campus Health, and Legal Affairs.
Summer 2021 Research Operations
UWM’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has approved the following research guidelines for summer research activity in alignment with the University’s current policies.
- Effective August 4, masks are required for all individuals regardless of vaccination status. Masks must be worn in all campus labs, classrooms, and other shared and common spaces. Employees are not required to wear masks when alone in their individual offices.
- Limits on human subjects research with higher-risk populations are lifted; however, researchers are expected to give special consideration to maintaining social distancing and limiting exposure with these populations.
- UWM is lifting restrictions on university-sponsored domestic travel as of July 1, 2021. Investigators who need to travel to conduct research should be aware of UWM’s latest travel restrictions and submit travel exemption forms, as required.