Internal Pages

Internal Pages

Internal Webpages refer to any page within a website that is not the homepage. Below is a typical internal page.

Let’s say you are looking at the German Program website. You choose the main menu link “Alumni.” The image, below, represents what you will see.

Notice that the yellow-gold header and main menu appear on the page. Also, notice how the page is structured with its narrow left column for navigation, and for additional website elements below the navigation.

  • Internal Links to navigate the website.
  • Recruitment Information provided by L&S Development and Recruitment Office assistant dean Deanna Alba. This information is for recruitment of undergraduate students.
  • Schedule of Classes links for quick and easy access to classes offered.

Notice the page title or headline (Alumni). Most webpage headlines are black on a white background. The headline on the German page is different. The text is white and overlays carefully chosen images which are coded to display as background images. With the right photographs, the effect is appealing.

internal pages example

Common Pages

Major and Minor Requirements
Each L&S website that offers a major and/or minor will include a Requirements page for each. Below is an image of such a page. (Actual requirements web page) Requirements are stored on a database that auto-fills to your website. If there are any courses missing or those that shouldn’t be on this list, please work with Mike Darnell’s Curriculum, Governance and Assessment office. For typos and minor issues that do not involve altering approved content, contact LSITO web development team at
Common requirements example

In the image to the right, notice the Fact Sheet link just above the Requirements chart. Fact sheets are managed and released by Deanna Alba’s Development and Recruitment office.

Four Year Plan
Database driven.

Courses Offered
Database driven.

Apply to UWM
Database driven.

Declare a Major

Request Information (form)
Database driven.

Ask a Question (form)

Alumni Updates
This is a standard page with a link to an Alumni Association form for the purpose of collecting alumni information.

Give to
Database driven. Managed by Deanna Alba’s office.

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