Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms

Settings: Notifications

The attached JPG file shows how to fill out your form notifications settings.

  1. Name: “Admin Notification”
  2. Send To: Choose radio button “Enter Email”
  3. Send to Email:
    Enter the email of the appropriate recipient. It will be someone within the department, center, or program who is assigned to answer students’ or potential student’s questions. For example: “”
  4. From Name: “{Name (First):1.3} {Name (Last):1.6}”
  5. From Email: “{Email:2}”
    For this function to work, must use the form’s exact field text. It must read “Email,” not “Email Address.”
  6. Reply to: “{Email:2}”
    This is necessary when an advisor or faculty member replies to the form senders questions. It tells Gravity to use the original sender’s email for that reply.
  7. Subject: The default is “New Submission from {form_title}.”
    May change to something more personalized like “New Anthropology submission from {form_title}.”

Proper way to fill out a Gravity Form