This form is intended for the College of Letters and Science only. WordPress Training Request How should we address you?* Preferred Name Email* Department/Program*Click and begin typing or scrollingAcademic Opportunity CenterActuarial ScienceAfrican and African Diaspora StudiesAnthropologyArchaeological Research LabArt HistoryAsian StudiesAtmospheric ScienceBiological SciencesCartography and GIS CenterCenter for 21st Century StudiesCenter for Canadian-American Policy ResearchCenter for Celtic StudiesCenter for Economic DevelopmentCenter for Forensic ScienceCenter for Gravitation and CosmologyCenter for Industrial MathCenter for International EducationCenter for Jewish StudiesCenter for Latin American and Caribbean StudiesChemistry and BiochemistryChildren's Environmental Health Sciences CenterClinical PsychologyCommunicationConservation and Environmental ScienceCultures and CommunitiesEconomicsEnglishESLEthnic StudiesField StationFilm StudiesForeign Language and LiteratureFrench, Italian, and Comparative LiteratureGeographyGeosciencesGlobal StudiesHistoryHonors CollegeHuman Resources and Labor RelationsInternational StudiesJournalism, Advertising, and Media StudiesLatin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latinx StudiesL&S AdministrationL&S AdvisingL&S Web and DataLanguage Resource CenterLinguisticsMALLTMathematical SciencesNeuroscienceNonprofit ManagementOffice of Undergraduate ResearchPASSPeace StudiesPhilosophyPhysicsPolitical SciencePsychologyPublic AdministrationReligious StudiesSociologySpanish and PortugueseTranslation & Interpreting StudiesTRIO & Pre-college ProgramsUrban Studies ProgramsWomen's and Gender StudiesWUWMZilber School of Public HealthTraining Level*The administrator role has a wide-ranging ability to manage their own site, but with that ability comes the increased chance of negatively impacting the site with a mistake. Please make sure you feel comfortable working in WordPress at a limited-access level before you move to a more advanced level. Administrator (Access to all the administration features within a single site) Editor (Creates, publishes, and edits posts and pages, including the posts and pages of other users; manages links, categories, and tags) Author (Creates, publishes, and edit their own posts, including media uploads) Contributor (Creates, edits, and deletes their own posts, but requires an editor or admin to approve and publish) Possible Date*Feel free to view the shared calendar of Cheryl Totty to select a possible training date. Allow for one hour of training, regardless of the role chosen. MM slash DD slash YYYY Additional comments or questionsNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.