
The Intensive English Program sometimes welcomes students who have been sponsored by their government or their home university. If you are a sponsored student from one of the groups below, please click below to learn more information about your requirements for sponsorship.

SACM (Saudi Arabia Cultural Mission)

Sultanate of Oman

Non-UWM Sponsors Billing Instructions

Governments or other agencies sponsoring students in our programs must provide a billing authorization for each student being sponsored. The billing authorization must include the following:

  1. Signature from the sponsor authorizing payment
  2. Student name
  3. Term that is covered by the authorization (fall, spring, summer, winter)
  4. Amount to be paid for each student
  5. Fees to be paid (instructional fees, segregated fees, special course fees, late fees, etc.)
  6. Social security number, EMPLID, or student number
  7. Bill-to address
  8. Any special requirements for billing (course listing, social security number, start and end dates, etc.)
  9. Contact name and phone number of sponsor authorizing payment
  10. Statement requiring payment for all students on the contract regardless of grades or completion of the sequence.

The contract must be received in the Accounts Receivable Office one week prior to the tuition due date to avoid late fees.

  • Late fees posted on a student’s account will not be waived if the contract is received after the tuition due date.
  • The department, third party sponsor, or student are responsible for late fees.

Contract cancellation notices must be received in the Accounts Receivable Office before the semester start date.

  • It is the responsibility of the sponsor to collect payment from the student if a drop penalty is assessed on the student’s account.
Account Receivable Information

Mailing Address:
Accounts Receivable Office
PO Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413

Contact Information:
Kirsten Archambeau, Accounts Receivable Office, Mitchell Hall room 295
Email: kirstenm@uwm.edu or Tel: 414/229-3463